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Celebrating International Women's Day

marzo 08, 2022

Image of an illustration of a woman's silhouette and text that reads

Empowering women is at the heart of everything we do, inspired by our Co-Founder Gayle Brinkenhoff’s vision to help women feel beautiful during the most difficult time of their lives—undergoing cancer treatment.

That’s why every year on March 8, we like to take a moment to celebrate International Women’s Day. Did you know this day was first celebrated in 1911? In the hundred-plus years since, the holiday has evolved into a global celebration honoring the economic, political, and cultural achievements of women everywhere. 

For us at RevitaLash® Cosmetics, the day is a time to reflect on our Co-Founder Gayle’s inspiring strength in the face of adversity. Today, a new generation of strong, talented women continues this legacy, and we’re proud to honor their accomplishments on this International Women’s Day.

Meet Sylvia, Steph, Tina, and Natalie, four extraordinary women who are achieving their career goals, supporting their families, and helping to build a culture where all women can break boundaries, here are RevitaLash® Cosmetics and beyond.


Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences. To begin, what is your role at RevitaLash® Cosmetics?

Sylvia Rodriguez: I am an Account Manager for the International Sales Department.  

Steph Ertam: I am the International Brand Manager. I interface with all of our international partners to support the implementation of our global marketing strategies and maintain our prestigious brand image all around the world.

Tina Phillips: I am currently the Assistant Controller for RevitaLash® Cosmetics.

Natalie Sanchez: I am the Global eCommerce Manager, which helps support and integrate digital marketing initiatives through our global websites.  

How do you celebrate being a woman in your daily lives?   

Sylvia: I celebrate being a woman by feeling beautiful from the inside so that I can portray that well on the outside. Lately, I have been doing a lot of self-care, more so on mental and spiritual well-being. Meditation has been front of mind every day, and it’s amazing that just taking five to 10 minutes out of your morning can really help set one up to be the best version of oneself and to show that to the world.

Steph: I am a self-confessed girly-girl and love to embrace my femininity. I am obsessed with all things fashion and beauty. I have an indulgent 8-step evening beauty routine which is such a peaceful nighttime ritual and my favorite way to end a busy day. 

Tina:  I celebrate being a woman in my daily life by being a good role model for my children. For my daughters especially, I show them they can be strong, loving, independent, smart, and successful. For my son, I show him the same, as well as the importance of how to treat and respect women.

Natalie: I truly embrace and honor my femininity with self-care, good food, and moving my body. And as often as I can, I will support and advocate for female entrepreneurs and leaders in my community. I love to see women who follow their passion and are successful while doing it!

What is one way you’ve broken down stereotypes or gender barriers in your life?   

Sylvia: I am a #boymom to two teenage boys. I feel that I am breaking down stereotypes by showing my boys that they must also contribute to the daily household needs (i.e. chores like dishes, cleaning, laundry, and cooking). In my household, we all share the duties, regardless of the fact that I’m the mom and only woman in the home. I feel it’s important to teach that so that we can see those gender barriers broken down. 

Steph: I am a very career-driven and ambitious person; I’ve always wanted to be successful in my own right. But as a married woman in her early-30’s there is societal pressure to focus on raising a family, which I’m sure I will do – but only when I am ready, and not because society tells me that it’s time. And when I do, I will continue to smash my career goals! 

Tina: I don’t know that I have broken down any stereotypes or gender barriers, because I don’t let those things define me. I feel traditional gender roles are a thing of the past. I have a successful career. I am comfortable in my own skin. I manage my own household. I am free to do as I choose and am very happy with my life.

Natalie: Being authentically myself in any environment. I have always had positive reinforcement that I can do anything in life regardless of my gender, and that has transitioned into the sports I played growing up, the leadership roles I had in college and in my career and being a young woman who is entirely self-sufficient in her 30s.  

Who inspired you to be the woman you are today?

Sylvia: My mom has inspired me. She has gone through many hardships in life, things that no one person/woman should live through. Looking back at those challenging times, I didn’t quite understand a lot of it growing up. I have come to value her and value being a woman a lot more. It’s amazing that a 5’2” petite woman of color can be as strong, if not stronger than the biggest athlete in many different ways.

Tina: Two sets of individuals have inspired me. My parents played a critical role in my younger years, and my children in more recent years. By example, my parents showed me the valuable lesson of being a good human being. They taught me to be considerate, compassionate, and hard-working. My children inspire me every day. I look at the choices they make in life, and it makes me happy and proud to be their mother. 

Steph: My mum is my biggest supporter and personal hype-woman. She’s been there through all my highs and lows and supported me every step of the way, as with my dad and siblings, too – I am very lucky to be surrounded by such a supportive family. 

My husband brings out the best in me and encourages me to live my best and most fulfilled life. He is my rock.

And finally, one of our very own. I remember meeting Lori [Jacobus, RevitaLash® Cosmetics President & CMO] and being so taken with her intelligence, drive for success, and captivating energy. She was the epitome of inspirational. I made a mental note to myself that I would work for her one day and follow in her footsteps, and here I am three and a half years later: grasshopper.

Natalie: I am inspired by SO many women; it’s hard to choose one person. I am most inspired by all the mothers in my life. What a gift it is to physically bring life into this world and to balance it all – it is just inspiring beyond measure. I am grateful to have strong women in my life as family, friends, colleagues, and mentors. So many of them have paved the way for new generations to come and have continually shown how resilient we are. Women are incredible!

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